Let Everyone Speak - 10/7 VTA Governance and Audit Committee @ 4pm

On October 7th at 4pm, the VTA Governance & Audit Committee will be voting on a series of changes to public comment guidelines. The most concerning change is B.8 which would allow the chair to request that, “community groups or multiple individuals who intend to speak on the same topic with the similar viewpoints may be asked to select a spokesperson to represent the group.” This is undemocratic, impractical and lastly, ineffective in improving meeting quality. This would essentially mean that if we all identified ourselves as Turnout4Transit, only one person would be able to speak for the group. Our name "Turnout4Transit" comes from the idea that change is created when members of the community show up and make their voices heard. Please join us and speak out against this harmful proposed change

Here's how you can help:

💻 Email the committee members (not a form email): https://tinyurl.com/vtaemail10721 

🗣 Sign up to make a public comment at the meeting (we will send you all of the information and a text alert when the item is up): https://tinyurl.com/vtaspeak10721 

And here’s how to participate in the meeting:

Join by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85781925072

 (press “raise hand” to make a public comment)

Join by Phone: +1 669 219 259  Webinar ID: 857 8192 5072 (press *9 to make a public comment)

What to include in your public comment during item #5:

• Your name, where you live, and what organizations you are part of.

• Why having multiple people speak per group for public comments is important to you. Do you ride transit and want to share your thoughts with the board? Do you think it’s wrong for there to only be one speaker per group? 

• Something along the lines of “I urge you vote against B.8 which would allow the chair to have only one speaker per group.”


RESTORE VTA SERVICE ASAP - 5/6 VTA Board Meeting @ 5:30pm